Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 38: Becka-Bas (take a bath)


  1. She actually sits in that seat thing? Garrett would freak out if I tried putting him in one!
    Love the 'do, though :)

  2. She doesnt really know any different - she has always been in it. I let her sit in the tub without it the other day and her first attempt at standing I said game over and it was back in the seat. I'm too paranoid!!! But she has YET to have any major bumps, bruises, scrapes or cuts!

  3. lol Garrett likes to lay on his belly and kick the water and blow bubbles :)

  4. Oh i forgot - are the bubbles safe to ingest? He likes to drink the water. I've wanted to get him some, but scared he'll drink bubbles!
